Primal Data Center
Goblet Ward 21, Plot 38

(Please Control + Shift + R for the most up to date website!)


Nestled in the Thanalan housing district known as the Goblet, the Garden Hall is home to the Free Company of Ivory Garden. The Garden Hall is intended to be a place where someone can relax without having to look at the price tag of where they're staying.

Interested in applying, or want to get to know more about the company that runs the place? Please visit our website below!

The Main House

Main Floor

On the ground floor, one will find our shop. We have a variety of plants and flower for sale here, as well as guest room reservations and other services.

Top Floor

Up the stairs leads to our cafe area, where one can find an abundance of food and drinks! We have our regular menu, as well as a seasonal one, so please feel free to ask for either!

Bottom Floor

Down the stairs takes one to our lounge and library. While many of our books housed here are on plantlife, the uses of, and medicinal remedies, we have some books of other genres as well. A great nap spot; the room is kept at a level temperature and dim lighting for the perfect mood.

Our Rooms

Plant Nursery

Room #001

A quiet, temperature controlled room of the house. Here, seeds are planted and sprouts are formed before being transfered elsewhere.

The Sanctum

Room #002

A public guest room area of the house; beds included. There is a lounge area at the entrance for guests to relax in a more private setting.

Photo Studio

Room #003

An room for taking photos. A variety of backdrops and lighting!


Be a decent human being. We understand that not all days are superb, but we ask that you be a general kind person when entering the establishment. In character, you are allowed to be mean, but no Out of Character rudeness will be tolerated.
No erotic content. While many of the people who walk through our doors are adults, we are not an adult themed venue. Please do not ERP in public areas of the house,or strip in the house, or else we will have to ask you to leave.
Consent is key. We understand a variety of RPs go down, we just ask that you be mindful with those you RP with. If someone says that they would like you to stop doing a certain action, please do so!
Please inform us of any gil transactions. Despite our menu having real gil values, we do not provide real food items and we do not take real gil for our menu. If a staff member demands gil from you, please inform an admin.
Keep out of staff areas if you are not staff! This should go without saying, but please refrain from entering behind bars or going through staff items if you are not in the company!

Flower List

Flowers, flowers, flowers! The Ivory's Garden's main export! All flower business is handled by Lho'a Relanah. Have a question about a particular flower? Just ask him!